Return of the *nix based systems
If you have been following my posts lately, you'll remember that my main computer system in the studio/office at home died. Motherboard failure. I was left scrambling for a replacement out of the stock of old computers in storage at the house. I really only had 3 to choose from. I grabbed an older Sony VAO and slapped Linux on it. Which of great! I love any *nix operating system. BUT, we don't have cable at the house so we rely on internet services for entertainment. I was using Playon to feed the XBox 360 as a media extender. Payon won't run under Wine because you can't get Media Player 11 to run separately from a Windows installation. Before you say, "Just get Netflix through the XBox directly." We watch more than just Netflix from the internet. with Youtube, Crackle, Hulu, and other independent streaming services, being limited by using just the XBox or an Apple TV just sounded too limiting. Now I do have a copy of Vista Ultimate. That's how things were...