Windows 8 and human computer interaction
This week I started testing Windows 8 Developer release. It is a bold step for Microsoft. They have really bet that the tablet is the future of computing. While I am a huge fan of new user interfaces for computers, Windows8 will be a challenge for computer users that are using a desktop or traditional laptop. Yes Microsoft does include the normal desktop to run applications like Word, Outlook, and other non-touch oriented applications, but the Start menu has been replaced with the Start Page. This might throw people, and may be a steep learning curve. For a tablet user however, Win8 begs you to touch it. It's big colorful blocks of "live" information make it so easy to use your hands and stylist to interact with it, you can't help but want to use it. What I'm looking forward to is seeing how Windows 8 can be used in non-traditional computer situations like, kiosks, way finding, touch aware surfaces etc. I want to see Windows go further than just "cool" ...