
Showing posts from January, 2013

2013 off to the races!!

This new year came in with a bit of a bang for my family this year. After 8 years of renting in Central Virginia we finally purchased a house. We closed shortly after Christmas and almost immediately started moving our stuff to the new house so we could spend New Years in our new home. I am very fortunate that this house comes with a spare space in the lower level that can be easily converted into a studio. During this period of buying a home and moving, I've also been composing and recording a score for a short Zom Com (Zombie Comedy)film. Thanks to Gary Streiner, the Director and I met and arranged for me to write the score after the former composer providing the score left the project. This project, like some, has pushed me into genre’s and instrumentation outside my normal style. Although the Director has been great in letting me write the score with the "Reifenstein" sound; I wanted to stay close to the original sound idea the Director stated earlier. I'm in the ...