Getting ready to watch Microsofts Build conference sessions and keynotes this week. One session I will definitely be watching is on Day 3. “ Sequencers, Synthesizers, and Software, Oh My! Building Great Music Creation Apps for Windows Store .” Why?? It’s simple really. I have been using Windows for composing and recording Film and Theatrical music and SFX since the mid nineties’. While I have used Macs for music production from time to time; I always seem to find a reason to go back to Windows based machines. I guess it’s a comfort level thing. I know how Windows handles digital audio recording, I know how it handles MIDI, and I know the software that runs on it to make music. After 20+ years of composing and recording, my workflow is based very much on the modern Windows environment. Especially with Windows 8 having One Drive so well integrated I use it for sending files to clients, receiving files from clients, backing up documents...