Talking with Gary Streiner about Living Dead Festival Music and other news...

I was on the phone with Gary Streiner on Tuesday night to talk about the score for the video retrospective that is being produced for the festival. it will focus on some great memorabilia from the film. Posters and other promo material. After a few demos that failed to hit the mark; we agreed the soundtrack needed to convey the same eerie feelings that the opening music in the film conveyed. Which mean I get to recreate that classic B movie horror film sound. Theremin, cheesy organ, and scratchy strings. There will also be some sound design aspects of the soundtrack which I will take care of too. Eerie wind and some sound clips from the film. I'm building a Windows machine that will have my really cool windows only but very cool MiniMoog and ARP 2600 virtual synths. The MiniMoog is a must for this project in order to create that great Theremin sound. I should get the video footage to score to tonight; so it will be a late night. I'll most likely need to deliver the final tracks to the post facility by Monday. The coffee pot will be working overtime. We are thinking of using a track I already wrote for the festival, and just extending the good parts, adding in the sound design and adding new instruments like organ and theremin.
in other news...I recieved an email from kim Rullo that they are having an Isaac|Rullo film double feature in Pittsburgh the first week in December. Kim's husband David is the other half of Architects of the Atmosphere. We wrote music for the first film "The Pittsburgh Nude Project" and our music is used in their latest film "Zircus des Zelbst". December 3rd in Lawrencville at the Your Inner Vagabond Cafe and World Lounge.
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