Film shoot Phots from Brothers short film and studio news
April 02
Film making Brother and other stuff…
When my brother was down visiting a couple of weekends ago; he shot scenes for a short movie he quickly wrote that would center around 2 sisters. The Sisters Reifenstein were of course the little stars that were stars of the film. The photos were from the scene where the oldest sister discovers a mysterious object that gives her powers of precognition. Now she has to determine does she use her power to save her bratty little sister from harm? Stay tuned and you’ll find out.

View Full AlbumOn the music front; the soundtrack for the Healing Circle DVD has all been sent to California and is being edited into the DVD as I write this. So far they will use 5 of the songs. Healing Circle will also be producing a companion CD for sale along with the DVD. I’ll need to write some more songs to fill out the DVD. I should only need 10 more minutes. My day job has been busy this week. We have a new exhibit centered on Edgar Allen Poe which has generated some lectures, story telling and a symposium. I’m engineering the live audio as well as recording the lectures for iTunes U. Below is the view from my perspective…
As for new projects….
Voice over for the film with the girls.
Demo soundtracks for my brothers up coming animated film.
Getting my back catalog up on
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