Print, Radio, TV interviews about Declaration of Independence Surface Applications
Last week I gave 3 interviews about the applications i wrote for the Microsoft Surface computing table that we have in the Declaration of Independence exhibit at the Special Collections Library. Today I gave an interview for one of our local news stations NBC29. It went well. Your never as prepared for the questions as you would like to be. You think you know what the interviewer may ask, but there are always questions that take you by surprise. Interviews for TV are always more difficult because there isn't that nice news editor like for print news who is going to make you sound like you know what your talking about. TV shows you in all your stuttering and fumbling for words, glory. I've thought back to my music and theater career interviews and one thing is always the same; they never print or talk about what you want, they always focus on something different than you think you should and they almost always misquote you.
Sticking with the subject of Microsoft Surface; I received the USB upgrade key with SP1. I've decided to wait until after the 4th of July. The upgrade wipes and reinstalls the Surface programming. I don't want to risk something not working after the upgrade. Meanwhile I am continuing the design and coding for the upcoming additions to the existing applications. Today I am focusing on 2 main areas. the first is a floating circular button array that will allow the user to call up various items like a transcription, meta data, maps, etc. The second main part of the project is getting Virtual Earth to launch from with in a Surface application like it does for Concierge. InfoStrat hear in Charlottesville has released code to do just that, so I'm working in implementing that in our applications.
The music studio is back in business. After deconstruction due to the flooding, the main delay was because of high humidity levels. With a new dehumidifier installed the studio is dry as a bone and ready for recording. Now I can start assembling the various CD's I plan to realease through Amazon this year.
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