Spring is around the corner...

After a long, cold, and snowy winter in Central Virginia it looks as if Spring may be around the corner. This weekend’s temperatures are expected to be in the high 50’s close to 60 degrees. For me this year Spring will bring more than sunny days and warmer weather. It is also bringing two student films to score and possible changes in what I do at the University of Virginia.

Russ Streiner, currently at the helm at the Pittsburgh Film Office and most famously known as Johnny from “Night of the Living Dead” and one of the producers of the film, has recently contacted me about working with film students at DuBois Business College in DuBois Pennsylvania. The idea is to get young filmmakers thinking about post production audio like soundtracks, not at the last minute but part of the overall planning of the project. On my part it is a great chance for me to make some connects with young and talented filmmakers.

Spring is also bringing opportunities to do more work with students and faculty at the University of Virginia who are producing audio and video projects. The Digital Media Lab located in the Robertson Media Center at the University of Virginia Library, is interested in having me be the technical director of their department. I would be assisting in audio and video production, curriculum, and instruction. I’m really excited to have the opportunity to bring more of my 20+ years of experience in entertainment into my work at the University.

Yes spring is shaping up to be VERY busy for me; it work I enjoy and love. I also will make sure that besides working hard; playing hard will also be included!


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