Summer Projects, Music Submissions

Email filled morning here at HQ. Blocked off this morning to have coffee and breakfast in the office so I can catch up on contacting some people regarding possible scoring projects. It looks as if the late spring will be a lighter than I first thought. So I'm looking for some new scoring opportunities. Basically... I'm available!
Earlier this month I submitted "Kings Chamber" to Music Dealers for consideration to be in a feature fantasy film.  I was kinda of shoehorning the song into what they were looking for; but I think it was close enough to be legitimately considered for the song.

L.E. Spry, my partner in crime at Ships On Fire, came to me with a new short project. He is creating a 3d animated short as part of a competition surrounding the solar probe project that is headed up by NASA. We've got 2 weeks; so when I get the animation I'll have maybe a week. I love it! If know me then you'll know I LOVE pressure. I do my best work when the project I am working on was do yesterday and I just got it today! It keeps me from second guessing myself and keeps me focused. If I have too much time I tend to experiment and play to the point of distraction. Play is good because it can cause you to stumble on some pretty cool stuff.
Pressure can do the similar thing by forcing you do push the envelope and try something out of desperation.

After the solar project with Ships On Fire, the projects thin out. Besides the occasional one off writing for licensing opportunities with Music Dealers, I'm pretty open. So I'm working on landing some scoring projects with a few filmmakers this summer. One thing I need to remind myself is that things take time and people have crazy schedules. It's tough to remember that when I'm in the studio noodling on a synth patch or a great riff with strings, thinking '...this would be great for a horror, or sci-fi film!'. I have contacted a few promising leads with some film makers, but as I said they are busy either in preproduction, production or post production on projects so I'm trying not to wait by the phone so to speak.

I have blocked off October for performing at the Living Dead Festival this year. My plan is to perform with the guitar synth this year, along with some looping software. My goal is to do more dynamic music this year. I also plan on having CD's available for purchase. If your a fan of the Night of the Living Dead, you don't want to miss the festival. Details of date and time have not been finalized.

Off to finish up in the office this morning.



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