music, project, and coffee...

I’ve been hobbling around on a sore ankle for the last 10 days for no reason. I say no reason cause I don’t know how it got injured. I did walk around a technology showcase in Richmond the day before , but it was fine. It’s feeling a bit better today. I think the weekend in Pittsburgh visiting family and doing nothing really helped.
I submitted Lux Atrum for consideration for a job through Music Dealers last week. They were looking for a Rocktronica type piece. I felt Lux Atrum was what they were looking for. Not sure when I'll hear about whether it was selected.

Posted on the site a new track called "Moonlit Bits". It was inspired by the soundtrack Daft Punk did for "Tron". The drums were done using Reactor. I want to do more work in Reactor this year. I have always liked the depth of the sounds coming from Reactor. I plan on using it a lot in the latest project in the studio right now; music for mediation. My therapist friend from California is working on her second book, which will have a portion of it focusing on meditation. She asked me to compose some music that one would use for mediation.

Goal this week is to spend more time playing guitar....and synth....ok spend more time in the studio period. Bring on the coffee. Speaking of coffee, I think I may have to break down and purchase a new coffee maker. Ours is slowly dying. It makes terrible "spurting" noises and leaks around the base. Plus after reading Linus Torvalds blog about how his counts how many units it's brewed I am now jealous.  

I received some cash for my birthday this year; always the right color and size right? Well I'm kind of torn on how to spend the money. One thought is to purchase the coffee maker stated above...but the house budget should buy that right? So the second project on my list is Home Automation. You have to start somewhere so I'm thinking of getting a few modules and start small; maybe some lights and the coffee maker. Yeah...make the house make me coffee!!! 


  1. I have a twisted ankle.. I very pathetically twisted it while walking into karate yesterday...


  2. Just saw this comment. Ouch! Hope it's better by now.


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