back home after "The Living Dead Fest"

We got in around 11:30 pm last night. I had a great time spending the rest of the weekend after the Festival with my brother Chris. He is a filmaker so we talked about the business and about some of the new projects he has planned for the coming year. We watched some movies and caught up on basic family stuff.
Now starts the post mortem on the Living Dead Festival. Luckily most of that doesn't fall on me. I do however think about where I go from here. I am planning on releasing a CD that will contain all the music written for the Festival as well as music played at the festival prior to the screening. Stay tuned for more details. It looks like I could pull off a physical CD and downloads. There are other projects scheduled in the studio; but I am having a hard time letting this one go. It was a lot of fun, and cool to associated with one of the landmark horror films as well as one of the most influential films in horror film history. Working with Gary Streiner as well as seeing how Jack Russo and Russ Streiner continue to have the movie work for them; as given me some ideas for promoting my own projects. 
I plan on taking this week off and creatively recoup. I plan on watching a lot of movies.


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