Final mixes for Jingle Punks CD Vol1

This weekend was mainly about getting masters together to send to Jingle Punks to be included in their Jingle Player. After spending most of the day outside catching up on much needed yard work; the studio lights were turned on the equipment lit up around 7:30pm. There were a lot of session to get through. most of them were recorded during the Living Dead Festival writing sessions last summer and fall.

One of the things I realized I was listening for were instrument lines that would interfere with potential voice overs. since some of what Jingle Punks tracks have been used for are promos I wanted to be sure that I didn't have instruments that were in the sonic range of the human voice. It would interfere with any voice over that may be laid on the track. I was making sure that each cue was a good "bed" for what ever maybe over top. There were a few violin lines, and percussion lines that just didn't need to be. Of course one thing I struggled with was fatigue and over familiarity with the music. Ear fatigue happens more often that most people realize. I think it's like 2 hours or something. So I made sure coffee breaks were taken often! :-) Over familiarity is a big thing with me. I've been with this particular group of music for 10 months and the saying familiarity breeds contempt can also be used with music and composing. I can sometimes start over thinking what I've composed. Start messing with the recording and sometimes the notes themselves. Occasionally this constant changing ends up bringing the whole piece down like a house of cards. Other times however I can hear something in my head that I hadn't heard before. Then I add that element and the piece becomes better. This did happen Saturday night where one cue caused me to hear in my head a chunky metal rhythm guitar line. It doubled the cello section. I grabbed the 7 string guitar ( I needed to make a low D power chord) and dialed up a nice chunky metal sound and laid it in. Nice! I did exactly what I wanted. I'm also a sucker for the rock band/orchestra hybrid sound anyway! Thank you Hans Zimmer!
To end what was a great night in the studio I checked in with Jingle Punks and saw that EA games and Starz are new clients! WhooHoo!

Sunday studio time was later than planned. However Sunday was just a listening day. Now the hard part; determining track titles! Jingle Punks reserves the right to change names of cues to better fit their customers searches. Which is fine by me anyway. Anything that would make i easier for a music supervisor to find my stuff.

Listened to the mixes in my car and in the family room on the home theater system and I like what I'm hearing. I'll burnt the CD tonight and ship it out tomorrow or Wednesday.


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