The "magic" of music...

I took the day off from the studio last night. I just wanted some quality time with the kids and my wife. We watched some of our favorite shows. I made some nachos using peppers from the garden. Boy you can't beat fresh peppers.

After dinner I watched a great video from TED 2008. I can't remember the name of the conductor that gave the lecture. The point was however that no one is tone deaf and anyone can enjoy classical music. It was great! He got everyone in the audience understanding a little more about not only classical music but I believe music in general. Music is more than notes. It's more than sound. It emotion encoded. It's visions encoded. It's memories encoded. Encoded with tones and sound. Sound that has the power to evoke memories that have been lost or repressed.

He also used a piece from Chopin to show a little about the thought process in music composition. He showed how we as human listeners know instinctively where the "home" chord is in a piece. How we instinctively know what the next note should be. However the composer, knowing this, can stay away from home until the end of the piece. Giving us a natural resolution, gives us a sense of peace. After explaining that he played the piece a final time asking audience members to think of a lost loved one while he played. The result was stunning.

While a lot of what we do as musicians and composers can sometimes feel like magic; there is also a process that requires thought. It's the "work" part of the process; the concentrated effort and thought process of what notes to put when and where that people sometimes over look. That "overlooking" may actually be why people don't feel they need to pay for music. Because they feel it "...just happens"


  1. Welcome aboard. Excited to have your music in the mix.

    Jingle Jared


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