Family visits and cues for History Channel shows

This weekend my Dad and Stepmother came to visit for the weekend. A nice 3 day weekend given to us by Labor Day has developed into a great time! As always great food and drink appeared. Dad and I had some quality time together watching the movie "Les Paul Chasing Sound". We had several long conversations about the film industry. (Dad was film editor during the 70's and early 80's) Now that I've been writing cues for film,TV, and games, we talked a lot about music libraries of old and what as an editor he would look for in music cues. On Sunday he and I went to a golf course located on the top of the Blue Ridge Mountains and killed the afternoon with 18 holes of scenic golf. I didn't do too bad being that golf like twice a year. They leave today sometime after lunch.

I will probably go into the studio this evening for a while. I got an email from Justin and Jingle Punks on Friday asking for some dramatic moody cues for some upcoming History Channel shows as well as some game industry clients. Since Dramatic and Moody are definitely within my comfort zone. I can't wait to dive in. I have some new libraries to try out as well as some system upgrades to the studio computer. I also want to give the Reaper sequencing software a spin. It can handle DX and DXi as well VST and VSTi plugins. It also has some beat slicing ability. We'll see how the workflow allows be to work.

Well coffee is done, zucchini bread is out of the oven and eggs and bacon are about to hit the skillet. HMMMM!


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