ISAO TOMITA and studio update
Before I give an update on projects in the studio I want to talk about Isao Tomita. When I tell Electronic Music students today that he is one of my major influences they always ask "Who?" It surprises me how many people don't know this man. His albums I think are just as important as Wendy Carlos. Maybe more so. He didn't just redo the classics with a synthesizer he arranged the pieces for synthesizer and used sounds that ONLY a Moog can make. I used to sit for hours reading the back of my fathers LP's, memorizing the list of equipment Tomita used. It's where I started my electronic music self study and research. What other 12 year old would know what a Bode Ring modulator does. Or that a Roland Space Echo was a must have item. Thanks to Mr. Tomita I did. His human voices singing were other worldly. His strings lush. His music is the stuff of fantasy. I found a few videos of him working in his studio and I was like a kid meeting his favorite superhero. He is the reason why I have a Moog. He is also in my head influencing the music I compose. Maybe not the notes or sound but the ambience and feeling his music creates.
This week is a conference laden week for me. I'm running sound and video for conferences every day this week including Saturday. I'm hoping that I'll have the stamina to hit the studio a couple of times. The History channel is using the Jingle Punks library a lot lately and I want to get more cues into the system. With the new hybrid stdio set up I'm excited to get some long hours in. Next week the family will be out of town and my sound engineering schedule is light so I may be able to book some all day sessions in my studio.
This week is a conference laden week for me. I'm running sound and video for conferences every day this week including Saturday. I'm hoping that I'll have the stamina to hit the studio a couple of times. The History channel is using the Jingle Punks library a lot lately and I want to get more cues into the system. With the new hybrid stdio set up I'm excited to get some long hours in. Next week the family will be out of town and my sound engineering schedule is light so I may be able to book some all day sessions in my studio.
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